Saturday, January 1, 2011

This year I hope to live...

I have been working through Angela Thomas' most recent book called "do you know who I am? And other brave questions women ask." and though I'm just half way through it has resonated in lots of places of my soul. I have decided that instead of a list of do's and don'ts this year, I thought I'd think more on how I hope to live. This year I hope to live...
  • Live gratefully, as every good and perfect gift is from Him.
  • Live tenderly, responding with a soft and gracious heart.
  • Live prayerfully, ask Christ to direct my day, not my to do list. Is it an accomplish day? or a give-yourself-way-day? or give yourself room to breathe day?
  • Live fully KNOWN in His sight. Recognizing that His grace is sufficient for every day and every circumstance.

How do you hope to live this year?

Here is info on Angela:

Here is where you can get her newest book!  I'd get em all!!
